Having fun with a home server
Recently I decided to use a spare d525mw Intel board I had to build a small home server. This board has soldered, fanless, atom dual core processor soldered on it, I'm running it with 4GB RAM and an old Samsung 500GB HDD.
For the OS, I decided to use Ubuntu Server 15.10. Installing was a bit of a challenge because I have no monitors and had disabled USB boot a long time ago, so my solution was to lend a monitor just for the install proccess. In the meantime I learned about preseeding, which was fun and a good idea on how to install an OS on it in the future - the board has no hdmi.
Using a home server
So what good can a home server do? Well, right now, aside from using it as a learning tool I'm using to run a Twitter Bot I made, Transmission for torrenting things (web controlled) and Owncloud. Owncloud was a bit of pain to setup, but it's working well right now. I plan to install Plex for video streaming, mpd for audio streaming (and also playing audio on it as a radio).
The server is 3 days old, so I will update more on this in the future. If you want to see my Twitter bot, it's available, along with a nice install script and guide, on Chove Agora github page.
Tags: home-server