Command Line Erico

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How to stream audio from Ubuntu to DLNA device

March 25, 2018 — Erico Porto

pulseaudio-dlna on ubuntu

Today I wanted to stream the audio from my ubuntu 16.04 to a dlna device. I had to install from the git source instead of the ppa because I had a conflict with chardet package in my system. the error was "error: chardet 2.3.0 is installed" but chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 is required by set(['requests']).

here are my commands to install pulseaudio-dlna:

cd ~
pip install chardet
mkdir pulseaudio-dlna
cd pulseaudio-dlna/
git clone
virtualenv --system-site-packages .
source bin/activate
cd pulseaudio-dlna/
pip install .
pulseaudio-dlna &

You can create a script to start the pulseaudio-dlna when the computer starts. You can get more info about pulseaudio-dlna in the repository.

If you need a dlna device to test, you can install Bubble UPNP on your Android device and have it as a remote sound sink.

Tags: dlna, pulseaudio, sound