Command Line Erico

This is where I post things, from command line

Using Pandoc as a Markdown to Docx converter

March 03, 2016 — Erico Porto

So, I don't really like Word. But it's nearly unavoidable, especially in office environment (see what I did here?).

Word has some good things, it can be read and edited by most people and can be easily converted to Kindle format.

So the command line:

pandoc -o output.docx -f markdown -t docx

Tadah! And if you are in Windows right now, one good thing is that you can run pandoc without installing - doesn't require being admin! Also I've made a .bat for making this easier in Windows. The bat in action below:

drag and drop

If you need help writing markdown, here is a cheatsheet!

Tags: command-line-tools